Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Photo Essay

This Place is called Totally Tots,where the kids youngest than five year old go and run,laugh and play around with different toys and also in different areas.There is areas of dressing up,sand area,water area,dolls and animals area and also the art studio where they go and decorate different projects,with glue,paper,paint and more.
In Our hours of internship we always have to go like every half an hour to check the totally tots area to see if it was messy and reset the area.(clean the area).There were times that everything was in the floor and we have to clean it and put itback where it belongs,even tho if in one hour it was going to be the same.
Those Afternoons where they are doing activities with paint,they do cars marks with paint in a blank paper,they all like to use paint and get the hand dirty.Our job there was to tell them what to do,help them if they need help,wash their hands and at the end of the art studiois closed we have to clean up,remove all the newspaper from the table and put the chairs together.
In the museum the visitors are from different cultures, but the kids most of them are so smart,intelligent and also so nice.Our job in our internship it was also to play with them.Some of them would not like you to play with them but this kid in the picture is lovely,nice and very smart,he always go every thursday and everytime he was there he want me to play with him,i play with him and we have fun together,but at the end of the internship is so hard to say bye to them specially if they are so nice and lovely with us.
Starting my internship i face my fear with the animals ,at first i was so scared to hold a snake that what i did was to walk back,but with the help of my supervisor i face my fear and now i'm not scared to hold snake anymore,i may be scared to hold another animal but i'm sure that is not a snake!alot of people are scared of the snake but we should the person that is carrying the snake because is that person say that the snake is not poison is because is not so the snake won't be able to do something bad to you.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Post 5

English                   Native Language                       Definition                                            Sentence

Gallery         -           Galeria              -               A Room or area with      -   In my Internship there is a lot of  
                                                                          different purposes.            different galleries.
Gala                 -       Concurso              -          A Celebration                  -   Last Week we paint pots for a

Co-worker        -     Compañero de trabajo    -  Someone who worked with you - The Co-workers that I
                                                                          in the same job                               worked with are really    nice.
Employer     -            Empleador             -          A person who give job to the people. -The person who give job in the museum is my supervisor.

Appropriate    -  Adecuado       -        Right to do                                   -    For My internship I need to dress appropriate.

Attitude       -      Actitud         -     How a person is feeling in the moment  -   Sometimes I am in a bad attitude.                                       or their expression.

Smock         -       Delantal     -        Something that people wears not to get dirty.  - Children’s in my internship wear smock, to not get dirty.

Evaluate      -       Evaluar          -      To give grade or opinion to someone else.  -    I Have to evaluate my
friend work.

Recommendation   -  Recomendación   -     To recommend someone to              -     My teacher
                                                                   a job or something else to someone.
recommends me with the museum  

Duty       -      Deber        -       The responsibilities we have.        -      My responsibility is to help children’s to decorate projects.

Cover letter  -        Carta de Presentación     -     A letter with information or goods about that person.  - I wrote I cover letter to get a job.

Collages      -    Collages       -          Projects with different decorations or colors -In My internship we do different collages with the children’s

Projects       -    Proyectos     -     Different activities to do in school, job or home -In my internship we do different projects.

Security     -     Seguridad      -            Someone who take care of the place   -      The security man in my internship is really nice and funny.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Post 4 Midpoint Reflection

I Work at Brooklyn children’s museum and I work in the area called totally tots in the art room the purpose of that organization is to teach kids about different cultures, nature and also to teach him creativity by drawing, painting and decorate different kinds of projects. The consequences if that organization didn’t exist anymore would be really bad for the kids around the neighborhood because they go there spent their time there learning about different things and learning new things and that would affect the family who take their kids there and especially if they really like the museum. This internship has been similar to expectation because I got to work with kids and even though I’m helping them to decorate different projects I still get the opportunity to talk to them and learn about them. it has been different from my expectations because I wanted to teach like kids that don’t speak teach them how to but there in my internship those kids are more smarter than and they know more than me also. What is similar about my internship and my school is that we see people from different cultures and speaking different languages and the environment its completed different because in the museum the kids give a bright to the museum with their laugh, smile and just to see them they give color to a gray day, in IHSL we see only the same people everyday and they don’t even give a smile to a person, not all them but most of them. New skill that I had learned so far is to not stay quite and speak with different people in English that would help me not to be nervous or shy to speak with different people at different jobs in my future. The relationship that I have with my mentor and co-workers is amazing because by now they have give the trust to ask whatever I want and to talk to them, they have been really helpful with me and also really nice. The communication skills I have gained is been practicing speaking English with the co-workers and that had help me adapt more to speak English without being scared that I would say something I they won’t understand me. I had grown a lot as a result interacting with others adults because I see adult people in my internship and I know how to talk to them, how to not be shy to talk with someone.One of the abilities that i have gained so far is being able to talk with other and not being shy to talk and also to help or move around the art studio.The schedule of my internship i think it's good even thought we get out tired but we still have time to finish the assingments.these five weeks left i want to be more fun with the kids and more nice to the people.

These is the amazing place where the kids are playing,laughing,making noise and running~~Kids give life to that place.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Post 3 Vocabulary-Sat words)

Meaning:calm; peaceful
Sentence:The art studio in my internship is very placid.

Meaning:cancel; deny; repeal 
Sentence:I abrogate my date day with my mentor .

Meaning:tearful; sad
Sentence:The funeral home  was filled with lachrymose people. 

Meaning::fake; false
Sentence:she was able to counterfeit tears at the funeral.

Sentence:I Abhor the food that contain onions.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Interview with Delia Meza

Delia Meza was born in Bronx, New York. She is native of New York and has been here for 31 years. Delia Meza went to two different high schools, the first high school she went was to graphic communication art in Manhattan and the second one was city as school in Manhattan. She was not a good student at all but she had two favorite classes, which were English and science, but her least favorite class was math, by now she still hate math. She joins the school newspaper only for one reason; because she wanted to hang out with her friends and she also join to the air force ROTC. But she also went to college three times the first time it was for her associate degree and them it was for her fervency psychologist degree and now she is going to College for her criminality degree. She went to two different colleges, the first one was the College of Staten Island and the second one was John Jay College of criminal justice. She starts all her working time as an intern at city as high school and by that time she loved to work with kids so she keeps doing it. The steps she took to get the job that she has now was for being an good, strong intern and she learn more about how working with kids was by looking at different websites, going to two different colleges give her the opportunity to learn more and also asking people of different museum. Them she moved to live in California for one year and went she came back she went to two different interviews. The hiring process was a little difficult because she had to do an interview with her boss and also she had to do a demonstration lesson plan for her managers. She had been working in the Children’s Brooklyn Museum for 5 years and for those five years she had been an assistant manager for early childhood educator, a after school teacher, writing reports and also an writing grants. By now her job title is a lead early childhood educator and her responsibilities are to teach school class programs and public programs. Delia Meza also has her supervisor and her name is Juliet Gray-Molierb, Juliet is the manager of early childhood educator and Delia supervise with her like about a total of one of two hours a week. And I supervise about like 10 people. Two challenges I had face working here is to teach children’s who don’t want to pay attention and also communicating with other departments. But the best part of my jobs is the kids. It I would like to change something about my job it will be to get better pay, better communication and to have more support. Before working here in the museum I was in San Francisco California and I work in an aquarium, which was call, the aquarium of the bay and I work for one year that job was very different because I work teaching children’s about marine biology. Probably I see myself working here for more three years because them I would work with the criminal justice. I hope you as an intern learn about the company structure and about the museum and what does it mean to be a museum educator. if someone would be looking for a job at my company the advices that I would give to that person is that this is a really great place to start with your career and the rewards are amazing, to be dedicated, focus and to make sure that he/she really want to do it. Advices for getting ready for college is definitely go to college and definitely focus and do well. For preparing for your career my advice is to do something that you enjoy doing and its ok to change your mind because we have to live a little before knowing what we want.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Post 1 - week 1 -First Impressions-

Brooklyn Children's museum is a really cool museum which is so full of life, it’s a great place for kids to play, have fun and explore really cool things that look real but they are not real. My supervisor name is Delia Meza she is a childhood educator and works in an office but she shares her office with someone else. Delia Meza is a wonderful woman, really nice, helpful, kind and the days that I have been intern in the museum I have always see her in a good mood. The way she talks to the children’s is really nice. The environment in the museum is really a live, it’s a really colorful museum, the people are always nice, the people that works there they all nice and friendly. The children’s running everywhere playing, laughing, smiling.The neighborhood looks really nice& calm. In my internship I see Genita,she is working in the same place at me ,I also see other interns student who are really nice and have been really helpful with us. The task that I have complete at my internship is being able to be patience with the kids and also supporting the noise and also being able to learn how to read a book to the children’s in a way they can be entertain by the story of the book. My exact schedule so far is from Tuesday to Thursday 3 hours a day from 2 to 5 pm and on Fridays from 2 to 5:30 pm. I arrived home about 6:pm.Something else I would like to share about my internship so far is that we met another interns and one of them is from Honduras also. The first day of my internship I have to hold an snake, cockroach and a turtle and never in my life I had hold an snake because I’m really scared of snakes but the first day I did hold a snake for 1 minute I think so but we will get a training day to learn how to hold different kinds of animals without fear and them we will be able to do shows with them to the children’s. The last thing I want to share about my internship is that if my family wants to take a little baby to the museum they can go without paying.