Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Post 5

English                   Native Language                       Definition                                            Sentence

Gallery         -           Galeria              -               A Room or area with      -   In my Internship there is a lot of  
                                                                          different purposes.            different galleries.
Gala                 -       Concurso              -          A Celebration                  -   Last Week we paint pots for a

Co-worker        -     Compañero de trabajo    -  Someone who worked with you - The Co-workers that I
                                                                          in the same job                               worked with are really    nice.
Employer     -            Empleador             -          A person who give job to the people. -The person who give job in the museum is my supervisor.

Appropriate    -  Adecuado       -        Right to do                                   -    For My internship I need to dress appropriate.

Attitude       -      Actitud         -     How a person is feeling in the moment  -   Sometimes I am in a bad attitude.                                       or their expression.

Smock         -       Delantal     -        Something that people wears not to get dirty.  - Children’s in my internship wear smock, to not get dirty.

Evaluate      -       Evaluar          -      To give grade or opinion to someone else.  -    I Have to evaluate my
friend work.

Recommendation   -  Recomendación   -     To recommend someone to              -     My teacher
                                                                   a job or something else to someone.
recommends me with the museum  

Duty       -      Deber        -       The responsibilities we have.        -      My responsibility is to help children’s to decorate projects.

Cover letter  -        Carta de Presentación     -     A letter with information or goods about that person.  - I wrote I cover letter to get a job.

Collages      -    Collages       -          Projects with different decorations or colors -In My internship we do different collages with the children’s

Projects       -    Proyectos     -     Different activities to do in school, job or home -In my internship we do different projects.

Security     -     Seguridad      -            Someone who take care of the place   -      The security man in my internship is really nice and funny.

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