Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Post 4 Midpoint Reflection

I Work at Brooklyn children’s museum and I work in the area called totally tots in the art room the purpose of that organization is to teach kids about different cultures, nature and also to teach him creativity by drawing, painting and decorate different kinds of projects. The consequences if that organization didn’t exist anymore would be really bad for the kids around the neighborhood because they go there spent their time there learning about different things and learning new things and that would affect the family who take their kids there and especially if they really like the museum. This internship has been similar to expectation because I got to work with kids and even though I’m helping them to decorate different projects I still get the opportunity to talk to them and learn about them. it has been different from my expectations because I wanted to teach like kids that don’t speak teach them how to but there in my internship those kids are more smarter than and they know more than me also. What is similar about my internship and my school is that we see people from different cultures and speaking different languages and the environment its completed different because in the museum the kids give a bright to the museum with their laugh, smile and just to see them they give color to a gray day, in IHSL we see only the same people everyday and they don’t even give a smile to a person, not all them but most of them. New skill that I had learned so far is to not stay quite and speak with different people in English that would help me not to be nervous or shy to speak with different people at different jobs in my future. The relationship that I have with my mentor and co-workers is amazing because by now they have give the trust to ask whatever I want and to talk to them, they have been really helpful with me and also really nice. The communication skills I have gained is been practicing speaking English with the co-workers and that had help me adapt more to speak English without being scared that I would say something I they won’t understand me. I had grown a lot as a result interacting with others adults because I see adult people in my internship and I know how to talk to them, how to not be shy to talk with someone.One of the abilities that i have gained so far is being able to talk with other and not being shy to talk and also to help or move around the art studio.The schedule of my internship i think it's good even thought we get out tired but we still have time to finish the assingments.these five weeks left i want to be more fun with the kids and more nice to the people.

These is the amazing place where the kids are playing,laughing,making noise and running~~Kids give life to that place.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Post 3 Vocabulary-Sat words)

Meaning:calm; peaceful
Sentence:The art studio in my internship is very placid.

Meaning:cancel; deny; repeal 
Sentence:I abrogate my date day with my mentor .

Meaning:tearful; sad
Sentence:The funeral home  was filled with lachrymose people. 

Meaning::fake; false
Sentence:she was able to counterfeit tears at the funeral.

Sentence:I Abhor the food that contain onions.